Pete´s Playground

My personal log of various projects

Using RepRapFirmware on a SKR 1.x board | LPC176x Chipset


Some nights ago i saw an intresting repo on github

gloomyandy and sdavi are porting the RepRapFirmware (RFF) to LPC176x boards. This means you can run them on a SKR 1.3 etc.

Normally RepRapFirmware is only used on Duet boards (Duet2WIFI,DuetMaestro). In my opinion the RRF is superior to Marlin. Some key points

No more compiling of the firmware. EVERY Setting you can change via a webinterface
The 3D printer is completly controled by the DuetWebControl (DWC) web interface. No need to attach a raspberry with octoprint or another control software. File Upload and everthing is handeld by DWC
Easy firmware update via DWC. Easy backup too.

The cheapest genuine duet board available in Germany cost about 100€. If you are ok with buying a clone* they are available for half the price (50€) on aliexpress. So if you are thinking about going the RFF route i would buy a duet clone directly. The only drawback is that you have to change the connectors on your typical 3D printer (Creality, Anycubic etc,) from JST XH to MOLEX KK. You can use this kit and you need a crimping plier too

But if you have a LPC176x board lying around or already running with marlin you can now use RFF too! If your board has a RJ45 port its easy as flashing a firmware.bin. But most of the boards doesn't have one. The SKR boards from Bigtreetech have no network connection at all! It's possible to run RFF without a network connection but i would not recommend it. You will lose a lot of features. So how we add WiFi to the SKR boards? Quite Easy. You only need a ESP8266/ESP-12F/Wemos D1 board/chip and some resistors + cables. The complete guide is here :

After some quick solderin my the first prototype of my board was ready.

And everthing works flawless! But to make the connecting easier i gonna make my own PCB.

May 14, 2020
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Written by Max on July 27, 2020
Hi Pete, like your Projekt and want to order WiFi Adapterboard for SKR1.3/1.4 and RepRapFirmware WiFi Adapterboard for SKR1.3/1.4. Iam from Germany With regards Klaus