Quick Start for the SKR RRF Adapter Boards
- Connect the the Adapter to the SKR. Look out for EXP2 and EXP1. EXP2-->EXP2 and EXP1-->EXP1.
- Remove the micro SD Card from your SKR
- Insert it in your PC.
- Now you can follow the GUIDE (From the "Pepare SD Card" because the ESP is preflashed by me) or download my example configs. Be aware that they are only for a "quick start":
- Download the zip file to you PC. SKR1.3 or SKR1.4
- Extract it to the Root Folder of your micro SF. Should look like this
- Insert the card in your SKR and power it on!
- Now you have to connect the SKR to the Wifi. You need a terminal emulator like Repetier Host, octoprint etc
- Connect the SKR via USB Cable to your PC.
- Open the terminal
7.Now send this command.
- M552 S0
- M587 S"Your Network Name" P"Your password".
- M552 S1
8. Now you can disconnect the USB and copy the IP of your printer in your browser. You can now configure the printer like a duet board.
Here is a quick video for reference:
Great info and products i just wanted to share an idea!
I want to use the BTT EXP MOT V1.0 Driver Expansion Module together with an ESP8266.
Would it be possible to solder the ESP and resistors straight to the correspondings pins on the BTT EXP MOT V1.0 and still have full funktion on both the ESP and the expansion module? (creating a combination module).
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i have the problem that i can acces to wifi
WiFi module is connected to access point BEAGLE_2.4G, IP address
WiFi module is idle
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